We’re listening closely to what President Obama has to say this week – yesterday he made a pledge to support military families with a sweeping program, and tonight he will give his third State of the Union address. Though he pledged his support to military families and clearly recognizes the special hardships we face, he stopped short of supporting us in the one way we’re all working for, that could do the most good for service members, veterans, military families and the rest of the country – an end to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. From all of the predictions, it is clear that he will barely mention the wars tonight, focusing his message on jobs and economic recovery. As military families, we have a unique perspective on the state of our country, and this is a time when the media wants to hear what we have to say.
Here are a few ways you can respond to the State of the Union…
- Watch the State of the Union tonight at 9pm EST (it will be airing on every major news station, or watch it streaming online live)
- Keep a pen and paper (or your computer) next to you so you can quickly write down any responses
- After the speech is over tonight or first thing tomorrow morning, click here to write a Letter to the Editor
- Write a blog response to the State of the Union – send your blogs in the body of an email or as a .doc or .docx attachment to samantha@mfso.org. We’ll post the blogs on our website and on other sites. You can also post it yourself to any sites focused on the wars, veterans, military families, politics or the economy.