MFSO Position Statement on President Trump’s Immigration Policy
Military Families Speak Out supports the action of governors of 11 states in denouncing President Trump’s immigration policy of separating children from their parents at the southern border by pulling their National Guard troops from the border and announcing that they won’t be deploying any more of the state’s military or will recall troops already sent. The states include Colorado, Delaware,
Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Virginia. MFSO does not want our loved ones in the military to be part of enforcing this inhumane policy.
Military Families Speak Out is a national organization of families whose loved ones have served or are currently serving in the United States Armed Forces. We urge the governors of the remaining states to take a similar action and withdraw or recall their state’s National Guard.
Stop The Deportation of Veterans!
by Robert Vivar, Unified US Deported Veterans Resource Center and MFSO Steering Committee
August 1, the Unified US Deported Veterans Resource Center welcomed USMC Cpl.Robert Cano, another deported combat hero. The US DVR Center says that it is an injustice to discard those that should instead be honored for their service.. Our call is to LEAVE NO ONE BEHIND. Please help us support these forgotten veterans by leaving messages of support for Cpl. Cano at:Unified US Deported Veterans on Facebook or supporting their families here in the US.
The US DVA Center in Tijuana, Mexico provides the following help for deported veterans in California:
*Assistance with citizenship applications
*Assistance for deported veterans to have their cases reviewed
*Colef, (Colegio de la Frontera Norte) in Tijuana sponsors focus groups for deported persons that are interested in obtaining information on re-validating their US education and furthering their education in Mexico. There are plans for at least two focus groups – one for US military deported Veterans and another for those working in Call Centers, since without a higher education, your progress in the workplace is very limited.
*Emergency housing and employment assistance
MFSO Members, Immigrant Rights Groups, and Friends:
YOU can help the families of deported veterans still living in the U.S.:
*Help with housing or legal aid
*Ask members of Congress to introduce legislation to keep the promise to veterans that they will not be deported.
*We can put you in contact with families of deported veterans in these cities even if you don’t live there: Modesto, CA Los Angeles, CA Riverside CA San Diego, CA Phoenix, AZ Chicago, IL Las Vegas, NV Brownsville, TX Houston, TX Ontario, Canada You can help the families in many ways (depending on their needs), such as sending or bringing food, school supplies, and clothing, helping with housing, and providing legal aid. Your support and friendship will be welcomed.
If you are interested in helping the families of deported veterans, please email Robert Vivar: dvsh.rob at

Bringing Supplies to Deported Veterans in Tijuana
Military Families Speak Out (MFSO) members Linda Valdez, Ed Garza, Jeff Merrick and Pat Alviso loading down Ed’s truck with donations for our deported veteran visit in Tijuana.
Adelante companeros!
Another Gold Star Fernando Suarez del Solar Speaks Out
(Open Letter to Mr. Trump)
Mr. Trump:
In the past few days, you have disrespected the father of a soldier who died in combat in Iraq. You not only disrespected him but you disrespected his wife, a woman so filled with grief that she could not speak. You know absolutely nothing about the pain of losing a child to war. You disrespect thousands of parents who. like Mr. Khan and I, have paid the ultimate sacrifice–our child’s life in the name of American freedom and democracy.
You have said that Mexico sends criminals, rapists, and drug dealers. You either have bad information or your handlers are lying to you about immigration. Thousands of us who are of Mexican origin have paid the high cost of giving our children’s blood for all of the wars prosecuted by the United States around the world. Are you aware of how many ethnic Mexican soldiers and Marines have received the highest honor this nation bestows on its fallen heroes? I can give you all the names but you would not understand their courage and sacrifice; their love of family and country.
I am but one more immigrant who came from Mexico to work–not to rob or rape–but to work and provide for my family. What did I give in return? The life of my son Jesús A. Suarez del Solar who died in Iraq “defending our freedom” including your right to insult us. My son died a U.S. Marine in the illegal invasion of Iraq and you mock and disrespect that fact when you say that you have “sacrificed a lot” by creating jobs with your shady businesses. Clearly, you do not understand the word “sacrifice.”
Millions of immigrants from all over the world chose to come to the United States and adopt this country as our own. Many of us have given our children’s blood in return. You never served and have never known war. Your sons have not served and only use weapons against defenseless animals. And yet you insult us by claiming to be the only one who can fix America’s problems.
Stop being cynical. You have no moral authority to speak on democracy, sacrifice or heroism. We thousands who are Gold Star parents do. If you were a man of integrity, you would apologize to us now and give up your insane scheme to become President of this great nation.
Fernando Suarez del Solar
Father of Lcpl Jesus Suarez del Solar, KIA Iraq
Founder & Director, Guerrero Azteca Peace Project