07/12/2022 | admin


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In 2001 and 2002, the U.S. Congress passed the Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF).  For over two decades, the AUMFs have affectively become a blank check for any president to put our military in harm’s way without oversight or meaningful national public debate.  U.S. counterterrorism operations from post 9/11 wars have expanded to at least 80 countries around the world, costing an estimated 5.9 trillion.  Hundreds of thousands of people have been killed, injured, and displaced.

We must push Congress to repeal the both the 2001 and 2002 AUMFs.  We echo Win Without War, “Repealing the 2002 AUMF would be a critical start to war powers reform”, but we must not stop there.  We must urge Congress to also repeal the 2001 AUMF.

MFSO updated AUMF campaign has several actions you can do:

  1. call your representatives in Congress, let’s call each Monday for 6 weeks starting on July 11, 2022 Lets everyone call every Monday.
  2. send postcards to both Foreign Relations Committees
  3. visit your representative’s office
  4. We are planning to add additional actions in the following weeks

Calling Congress Is Easier Than You Think — Here’s How to Do It!

One thing that you probably keep hearing is that you should call your elected officials. And yes, we understand that sounds a little bit scary. But honestly, it’s easier than you think. Calling is the most powerful way to put pressure on your representatives.

Why? It shows commitment to a cause. And representatives know that if they don’t hear the concerns of their constituents, it could impact their ability to get reelected.

The easiest thing is to call your senators and representative offices directly.

But if for some reason you are unable to do that, you also have the option of dialing 202-224-3121. This number will direct you to the Capitol switchboard. When you call, ask to be connected to your senator or representative. The operator will direct your call to their office.

What happens when you call?
A legislative assistant will answer the phone. They’ll ask if you need a response, and it’s better if you say you don’t. That way they can tally you down without having to go through the extra step of adding you to a response database. The most important part is to be clear that you are calling because you want your representative to work to “Repeal the 2001 and 2002 Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF’s)” and that you are a member of Military Families Speak Out.

Sample script “I am calling as a Member of MILITARY FAMILIES SPEAK OUT.  I strongly urge that both the 2001 and 2002 AUMFs be repealed”

Why you support or oppose certain legislation is irrelevant to them. The more people that call the representative’s office, the less detail the assistants will write down. Getting straight to the point makes things easier for everyone — including those who are waiting for their phone calls to be picked up.

Also, please call the Senate Foreign Relations Committee at: 202-224-4651

Sample script “I am calling as a member of Military Families Speak Out.  I strongly urge that S.J.Res.10* be passed and that the members work to repeal the 2001 AUMF.”

Send postcards
We have developed postcards you can print out on your home printer! You will need to use 60 LB or heavier paper and print on both sides which will give you 4 postcards.
If you don’t have a printer call/text 562-833-8035 or email MFSOOC@earthlink.net and we will send you 10-20 postcards. Link to postcard

Visit your Representatives in your home state when they are there. Call your local office to obtain a schedule of when they will be “home”.  Make an appointment!

Talking Points on the AUMF
Link to AUMF talking points

*S.J.Res.10 is a joint resolution to repeal the authorizations for use of military force against Iraq, and for other purposes.


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12/29/2021 | admin


It’s the time of year that we make our annual appeal for funds.  Every dollar is thoughtfully managed and put to good use. Your generous support has made our vital work possible.

2021 has been a challenging year. With the support of our families, our steadfast allies and you, we are motivated to work harder in 2022 to bring all remaining US troops out of the Syria and Iraq.  After 20 years of the ‘forever war” in Afghanistan, we military families were beyond relieved that our troops finally began withdrawing last August 31st. MFSO’s Welcome Home Campaign was not only yellow ribbons and banners, but rather a challenge to bring all of our troops home, and a stern reminder for the public that for many military families, the war is not over. (View video here) Our loved ones will continue to struggle with suicide and PTS; injuries that are physical, psychological, and moral, and we understand full well that military families are on the front lines for taking care of our troops when they return.

Within the MFSO organization strong bonds exist that hold us together because of our shared experience. Although our hearts ache every day our troops remain in harm’s way, MFSO provides us with a safe place to express our hurts with others who understand.  Over the years the support we have received from our friends has empowered us to stay in the struggle and do all we can to reduce the shameful daily average of 17 veteran suicides and advocate for improved services for veterans and military families. We recognize that to really stop endless wars we need to get to the root of the problem and work hard to repeal both AUMFs- that is the Authorization for the Use of Military Force.

You can help us continue to have our voices heard. MFSO partners with many other organizations such as Veterans for Peace, The Poor People’s Campaign, About Face, United US Deported Veterans, United for Peace and Justice and Win Without War to bring the voices of our loved ones to light.  But it’s not enough. Going forward takes commitment and money. We have no membership dues, only each other and you.

For over 19 years MFSO has provided a unique voice and steadfast presence, amplifying the voices of military families who choose to speak out against the endless wars – sometimes even risking their relationships with family.

Won’t you please consider making a one-time tax-deductible donation this year or support the work military families do every day by becoming a monthly sustaining contributor?  Your donations will help MFSO grow stronger and ensure our plans for next year will become a reality.  Donation

Also, please consider offering the gift of your time.  If you can assist with our social media, a monthly newsletter, or other small task, please contact us at mfsooc@earthlink.net /562-833-8035

Let’s work together to make 2022 the year that we repeal the AUMFs, so we bring all our troops come home and that the people in our country and the Middle East can begin the task of healing.

Military Families Speak Out
The MFSO Board
Arturo Cambron, Diane Picotte-Haberdank, Melissa Castaneda, Robert Vivar, Ellen Barfield, Don Kimball, Bill Schuerer, Pat Alviso, Jeff Merrick, Kharis Murphy

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07/27/2020 | admin

MFSO T-Shirt Fundraiser

Like many other non-profits, our ability to raise operating funds has been impacted by COVID-19.  We had planned on participating in many events this year and have a surplus of t-shirts that we have not been able to sell at our usual tabling events.  Please consider helping us spead the word about MFSO and our mission by purchasing and wearing your MFSO T-Shirt!

Available in all adult sizes in either white or black.

To donate by check, please make your check out to MFSO and send to:

Military Families Speak Out
P.O. Box 4193
Seal Beach, CA 90740

Or safely donate via Paypal below:

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01/07/2019 | admin

Donate to MFSO


After 17 years of military intervention resulting in the needless loss of lives and trillions of dollars spent on endless wars, the Trump Administration has requested options from the military for withdrawal plans, including a complete withdrawal. This means we could be seeing the end of the war in Afghanistan finally within our reach.  This, along with the order for the complete withdrawal of troops from Syria and the scaling back of support to the Saudi action in Yemen is a good sign that even this administration is recognizing the futility of continuing all of these wars.

MFSO has always been at the forefront of this struggle, and is well poised to push hard this coming year to be the voice that can make a difference in finally getting all of our troops home and back in the arms of their loved ones. And so we begin the New Year with a campaign to lobby members of Congress and tell the story of the human cost of war- the story that our members know personally.

The voices of our active duty military, veterans and their families must be heard.  We are the people, along with millions of civilians in these war-torn countries, who have paid the price, and continue to pay the price, of a senseless U.S. foreign policy.

As you know, bringing all of our troops home has always been the main goal of MFSO, and our members are in a unique position to demonstrate the reality of war. By speaking from experience, we bring the reality of war home – death, lifelong injuries, post-traumatic stress, moral injury, suicide, traumatic brain injury, and much more.

We firmly believe that our families have been instrumental in getting the country on our side, so that the majority of Americans now understand that these wars do not make us safer, but in fact, have created more enemies for us.

In our concerted effort to end the war in Afghanistan, we ask for your help to continue this arduous work. Pease consider making a one-time donation to MFSO. If you have not already joined the growing list of sustained donors, please consider doing so. We are an all volunteer organization, without dues, and no hired staff. By supporting Military Families Speak Out, your tax deductible donation goes directly into funding actions that promote stopping unjust wars.


In 2018, your generous donations supported MFSO in:

Numerous national and internationally aired interviews from around the country
Poor Peoples Campaign actions- CA, MO, DC
Op-Ed editorials
MFSO literature distribution across the country
Meet up, a new member orientation, outreach, tabling and member support at Veterans for Peace Convention- Minnesota
Regular on-going vigils across the nation
Workshop presentations in MI and CA
Congressional lobbying for a new AUMF (Authorization for the Use of Military Force)
Support for members participating in actions across the country
Key organizers for 100th Anniversary of Armistice Day weekend in DC which included the Silent march at Arlington Memorial, the Peace Congress, feeding the homeless and Occupy the VA.
Heart 2 Heart Tour- CA, ORE, AZ, NM, and OK
Support for families of deported veterans and their families, including border visits and assistance to prevent deportations and support to pass legislation to end veteran deportation

As this year draws to an end, MFSO is ready to confront the biggest challenge yet- to end the war in Afghanistan. Won’t you please consider being a part of history and making a one-time donation or become a sustaining member today?

MFSO welcomes all comments from members and supporters. Please send us your thoughts throughout the year via our website, Facebook, email or just give us a call anytime.

Pat Alviso
National Coordinator
Military Families Speak Out


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