It’s the time of year that we make our annual appeal for funds. Every dollar is thoughtfully managed and put to good use. Your generous support has made our vital work possible.
2021 has been a challenging year. With the support of our families, our steadfast allies and you, we are motivated to work harder in 2022 to bring all remaining US troops out of the Syria and Iraq. After 20 years of the ‘forever war” in Afghanistan, we military families were beyond relieved that our troops finally began withdrawing last August 31st. MFSO’s Welcome Home Campaign was not only yellow ribbons and banners, but rather a challenge to bring all of our troops home, and a stern reminder for the public that for many military families, the war is not over. (View video here) Our loved ones will continue to struggle with suicide and PTS; injuries that are physical, psychological, and moral, and we understand full well that military families are on the front lines for taking care of our troops when they return.
Within the MFSO organization strong bonds exist that hold us together because of our shared experience. Although our hearts ache every day our troops remain in harm’s way, MFSO provides us with a safe place to express our hurts with others who understand. Over the years the support we have received from our friends has empowered us to stay in the struggle and do all we can to reduce the shameful daily average of 17 veteran suicides and advocate for improved services for veterans and military families. We recognize that to really stop endless wars we need to get to the root of the problem and work hard to repeal both AUMFs- that is the Authorization for the Use of Military Force.
You can help us continue to have our voices heard. MFSO partners with many other organizations such as Veterans for Peace, The Poor People’s Campaign, About Face, United US Deported Veterans, United for Peace and Justice and Win Without War to bring the voices of our loved ones to light. But it’s not enough. Going forward takes commitment and money. We have no membership dues, only each other and you.
For over 19 years MFSO has provided a unique voice and steadfast presence, amplifying the voices of military families who choose to speak out against the endless wars – sometimes even risking their relationships with family.
Won’t you please consider making a one-time tax-deductible donation this year or support the work military families do every day by becoming a monthly sustaining contributor? Your donations will help MFSO grow stronger and ensure our plans for next year will become a reality. Donation
Also, please consider offering the gift of your time. If you can assist with our social media, a monthly newsletter, or other small task, please contact us at mfsooc@earthlink.net /562-833-8035
Let’s work together to make 2022 the year that we repeal the AUMFs, so we bring all our troops come home and that the people in our country and the Middle East can begin the task of healing.
Military Families Speak Out
The MFSO Board
Arturo Cambron, Diane Picotte-Haberdank, Melissa Castaneda, Robert Vivar, Ellen Barfield, Don Kimball, Bill Schuerer, Pat Alviso, Jeff Merrick, Kharis Murphy
MFSO Newsletter – April 2021

Scattergories Parties

MFSO T-Shirt Fundraiser
Like many other non-profits, our ability to raise operating funds has been impacted by COVID-19. We had planned on participating in many events this year and have a surplus of t-shirts that we have not been able to sell at our usual tabling events. Please consider helping us spead the word about MFSO and our mission by purchasing and wearing your MFSO T-Shirt!
Available in all adult sizes in either white or black.
To donate by check, please make your check out to MFSO and send to: