Regional Resources


Swords to Plowshares– San Francisco based agency serving legal, housing and mental health needs of vets

National Associations of Veterans Upward Bound provides Scholarship and Benefits info.

The California Department of Veteran Affairs


This Able Veteran is a 501 (c)(3) not-for-profit organization of dedicated veteran and civilian individuals working tirelessly to provide highly trained Service dogs for America’s injured veterans


SAVE – Statewide Advocacy for Veterans’ Empowerment: Prevention of suicide and mental health distress through the identification of issues facing veterans when they return from service, provides access to benefits and services to address these issues

Massachusetts Executive Office of Veterans’ Services directory

Massachusetts veterans’ guide to benefits

Veterans Legal Services is a non-profit organization offering free legal advice and representation to homeless and low-income individuals in the Boston area.

New England Center and Home for Veterans– The Mission of the New England Center and Home for Veterans is to extend a helping hand to homeless men and women veterans who are addressing the challenges of: addiction, trauma, severe and persistent mental illness, and/or, unemployment and who will commit themselves to sobriety, non-violence, and working for personal change. We are recognized as one of the most effective private veteran’s transition programs in the country.

New York

New York State Department of Veterans’ Services is the state of New York’s official veteran resource directory


Veterans Corner in Goldsby Oklahoma


Returning Veterans Project connects veterans and families to free counseling and other holistic services (like acupuncture, massage)

Oregon Military Helpline– 1-888-457-4838

Coffee Strong Coffeehouse
Contact Seth Manzel at 253 228 8912
Support for active duty veterans and families, provides trauma and GI rights counseling located outside FT Lewis in Lakewood WA


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