Military Family Resources

Army Behavioral Health
This web site provides information through videos, toolkits, and fact sheets on the deployment cycle, helping children cope with deployment, and post deployment education to help reunite
couples. There are also Qs & As that help assess behavioral health needs before, during, and after deployments; Pre and post deployment health self-assessments, post traumatic stress disorder,
and suicide prevention.


Blue Star Families is a non-partisan, non-profit organization, created by real military families.  The organization provides both online and physical chapter-based communities and serves as a bridge between families and support and service organizations that are striving to help make military life more sustainable.

Center for Deployment Psychology (CDP) trains military and civilian behavioral health professionals to provide high-quality deployment-related behavioral health services to military personnel and their families.

Coping in the Aftermath of Community Violence: Self-care Strategies – Following the recent shooting that took the lives of three dedicated mental health employees at the Veterans Home of California-Yountville, military communities throughout the country may be struggling to understand how and why such a tragedy could have transpired at a counseling center for veterans.  Watching the event play out on the news and hearing about it repeatedly may have produced anxiety, raised fears, and even challenged individuals’ assumptions about their communities and the safety of their workplaces.

Marine Corps Community Services – The MCCS website provides value information and resources regarding deployment for Marines and their families.

FOCUS (Families OverComing Under Stress) provides resiliency training to military families. It teaches practical skills to meet the challenges of deployment and reintegration, to communicate and solve problems effectively, and to successfully set goals together and create a shared family story.

Military Spouse Employment – A resource library for military spouse employment, education and relocation information. The site provides thousands of links to employment related information and other resources for military spouses and military families.

National Child Traumatic Stress Network  includes the Military Families Knowledge Bank: many useful resources and guides available to assist military family members.

National Domestic Violence Hotline – 1-800-799-SAFE

National Military Family Association (NMFA)
NMFA provides comprehensive resources on a variety of topics, including preparing and managing deployment cycles, talking with kids and Family about issues surrounding deployments, information on child care services for young children and school aged kids, coping with emergencies, and toolkits for supporting children and teens. They stand up programs, like Operation Purple® to help families and children connect, learn resiliency, and find community. NMFA’s Military Spouse Scholarship Program helps create financially stable families by awarding spouses with funding to complete their education, find meaningful careers, and even expand entrepreneurial endeavors that contribute to their family’s income.

National Resource Directory – A website connecting Wounded Warriors, Service Members, Veterans & their Families with Those Who Support Them.

Operation Mom – Our primary mission is to provide a place where families of those serving our country can find support, encouragement, solace, and be with others who share their heart.

VA Caregiver Support – Being the Caregiver of a Veteran is full of challenges. VA has developed a Peer Support Mentoring Program to link you to a peer – someone who has experienced similar challenges and situations – to provide you with additional support and guidance along your journey.

Yellow Ribbon Program is a DOD wide effort to support National Guard and Reserve Service Members and Families with information on benefits and referrals before, during, and after deployements.

Secure Families Initiative – We are a nonpartisan group of proud military spouses and loved ones, united by our love of country and commitment to service. We understand better than anyone the consequences that decisions over war and peace have here on the homefront.


For Kids

Military Child Education Coalition – A 501(c)(3) non-profit, world-wide organization, the Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC)’s work is focused on ensuring quality educational opportunities for all military children affected by mobility, family separation, and transition.

Our Military Kids provides tangible support to the children of deployed and severely injured National Guard and Military Reserve personnel through grants for sports, fine arts and tutoring that nurture and sustain the children during the time a parent is away in service to our country.

Sesame Street For Military Families provides child-friendly resources for Military Families, Helping kids face the challenges of military family life

Job Search Engines For Military Spouses

Career One Stop

Scholarships for military spouses to return to school

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