Active Duty Resources

GI Rights Hotline: 1-877-447-4487 – Info about military discharges

After Deployment– A wellness resource page for the military.

Defense Centers of Excellence- 866-966-1020,  Trained, professional health resource consultants with expertise in psychological health and traumatic brain injury

National Resource Directory – A website connecting Wounded Warriors, Service Members, Veterans & their Families with Those Who Support Them.

National Intrepid Center of Excellence (NICoE) is dedicated to research, diagnosis, and treatment of military Service members suffering from Psychological Health issues and mild Traumatic Brain Injury.

Quality of Life Plus was created to foster and generate innovations to aid and improve the quality of life for those injured in the line of duty. We accept challenges from wounded active-duty and retired military veterans, members of the intelligence and law enforcement communities, first responders and other public servants injured in the line of duty. These challenges become projects at our state-of-the-art QL+ Laboratory, located at California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly) in San Luis Obispo, California. By harnessing the exceptional creative and engineering skills of students and faculty at Cal Poly, QL+ succeeds in developing innovative solutions that help our nation’s heroes to live, to work and to play.

Real Warriors – Resources to help with administrative discharge, reevaluation, combat stress signs and symptoms and up-to-date treatment options – a program of the Defense Centers of Excellence.

Service Women’s Action Network SWAN supports, defends, and empowers today’s servicewomen and women veterans of all eras, through groundbreaking advocacy initiatives and innovative, healing community programs.

Wounded Warrior Regiment – The Marine Corps Wounded Warrior Regiment provides and facilitates non-medical care to combat and non-combat Wounded, Ill, and Injured (WII) Marines, and Sailors attached to or in direct support of Marine units, and their family members in order to assist them as they return to duty or transition to civilian life. The WWR assists active, reserve and veteran Marines. The Regimental Headquarters element, located in Quantico, VA, commands the operations of two Wounded Warrior Battalions located at Camp Pendleton, California and Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, and multiple detachments in locations around the globe.

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