Michelle Obama, what military families really need…

Today, Michelle Obama and Jill Biden are kicking off a new initiative called “Joining Forces,” which encourages every department of the government as well as companies, schools, philanthropic organizations, religious groups and local communities to recognize the burden placed on military families by the ongoing military involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The burdens affecting military families, veterans, and service members are the results of government policies and practices, and need to be addressed by those responsible, rather than placing the burden on schools, non-profits, churches and local communities who are struggling themselves with funding cuts and affects of the ongoing recession.  Mrs. Obama and Mrs. Biden need to use their influence to change the policies that are hurting us.

Now is a critical time for the public, the media, and the White House to hear from military families about the real support we need!

Communicate with the public:

MFSO has launched a new website called “We Are Military Families” where military families can post their stories and talk about the real support we need.  If you would like to contribute a blog or a video to the website, please email samantha@mfso.org

Please spread the word by letting other military families know about this effort, as well as others who support us!

Communicate with the media:

Write a Letter to the Editor using this easy form and sample letter, click here to get started.  We’ve provided a sample letter and additional talking points. You can see our press release here.

Communicate with the White House:

Click here to write a letter to Mrs. Obama about real ways to support military families.

Click here to sign our petition to President Obama.
Help sustain our work!

Your donation to Military Families Speak Out today will be doubled by a generous donor! Please be a part of the effort by helping to sustain these efforts!



