Who We Are

Welcome to Military Families Speak Out

Military Families Speak Out [MFSO] are family members and Gold Star families who have loved ones that have served in the US military since 9-11, or are serving now. Our membership spans the country and around the world. 

Since our inception in November 2002, our motto has been: 

“Support our Troops, Bring Them Home Now, and Take Care of Them When They Get Here”

We also speak out against unjust wars, and although the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have formally come to an end, a large number of our troops are still in harm’s way. 

As families with loved ones who were or are in the military, we have both a unique voice and role to play in speaking out. It is our loved ones who are, have been, or will be on the frontlines. It is our loved ones who are risking injury and death, and who are coming home both physically and mentally scarred. 

The mission of MFSO is to be a community of support and advocacy for our troops, veterans and their families. We are a uniquely authoritative voice for military families who oppose deploying our troops or using military force, unless our country is in direct danger, and then, military force should only be used as a last resort.

Veterans For Peace is the 501(c)(3) fiscal sponsor for Military Families Speak Out

Please join us and consider supporting our work by becoming a monthly sustaining member, making a donation and/or becoming an active member in one of our working groups.
